Tuesday, March 2, 2021

7.1 Individual's Legal Obligations (Due 3/5)

One day, students will find themselves in a world where they are expected to follow the government's laws, but they will have an obligation to participate in a governmental function. For most, this would be following laws, sitting on a jury, or paying taxes. Why should people take these obligations seriously? Some people like jury duty, while others despise it. No one wants to pay taxes, but there are reasons for paying taxes; before you have to do your own legal obligations to the government, apart from following the law and being apart of a larger government system, a student should understand these obligations. Students should also have the ability to express theirs believes in the system too. What are your opinions on the following questions? 

  • Why is it important for individuals to follow the law? (Give an example)
  • Why would you want to have a jury of your peers judging your court case?
  • Do you think a person has a legal obligation to pay their taxes? Why or Why Not?

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8.3 Government: U.S. Supreme Court Interpretations. (Due 4/16)

  What are some of the key effects of the following Supreme Court interpretations of the Constitution? Students will need to discuss the key...